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Blackstone-Millville Youth Soccer Organization BMYSO

Blackstone-Millville Youth Soccer Organization BMYSO


Travel FAQ's

Why is the registration deadline so early?

Our timetable is dictated by the league we belong to, Central Mass Youth Soccer League (CMYSL).  They need to know how many teams are participating from each town months before the start of the season in order to form divisions and create schedules. That means that we need to form teams shortly after the registration deadline. There is a lot of work to be done to prepare for the season!

I'm trying to register my child, but the wrong division is appearing under their name.  How can I register my child in the correct division according to their school grade?

Players must register in their specific school grades.  If your child is listed under the wrong grade/division please email the Registrar,  [email protected], to help you register in the correct age group.

What are player Tryouts and why should my child attend them?

Player tryouts are conducted by BMYSO board to help create competitive teams and ensure proper placement of  each player. We use these tryouts along with coaches evaluations to determine player placement each season.  It is important for players to attend BMYSO tryouts so that each player has more than one person evaluating his or her skills. It is important to note that players are placed according to their overall skill set as a soccer player, not position-specific skills.

Can I request to be with friends or a specific coach?

When we have enough players in an age group to make multiple teams, we place players on teams and in divisions based on ability.  In this case, out of fairness to all players and for the integrity of the process, we  may be unable to honor teammate or coach requests.  

How do I obtain a uniform?

New and replacement uniforms should be purchased at Think Local Printing at least three weeks before the first game. 

When will I hear what team my child is on?

Rosters will be posted as soon as they are available before the start of the season.  Parents will receive an email notification when the roster is posted.  In many instances BMYSO is still trying to find coaches so please think about signing up to coach/assist.  

When are practices and games?

Teams usually have two weekday practices.  Practice days and times are determined by the coach and approved by BMYSO. The coach will communicate the practice schedule to you about a week before the start of the season.

Games are usually played on Saturdays.  The game schedule is released about one week before the start of the season once MAYS sets up the schedule.  

How Can I help? 
Finally, we are a small town, but we need all the help we can get with running the league with hundreds of players. Right now there are only a handful of us on the board. Please consider joining to help us support and grow our soccer program!


Blackstone Millville Youth Soccer Organization
PO Box 183 
Blackstone, Massachusetts 01504

Email: [email protected]

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